These fun birthday party ideas were submitted by our readers. Got more ideas? Why not submit your own?

by Shereka h.
(Houston TX)
I gave my son an Luau for his 5th Birthday and everything was Hawaiian themed.
We did an backyard Luau with tiki torches, decorated the house all the way around with Luau wall paper. There was sand, and giant water slide that lead into a pool (deep enough for an 5 year old).
For drinks, I had 5 different flavors of Kool-aid(Mango, Pina-Pinaaple, Tropical Punch, Watermelon, Strawberry-Kiwi)for the kids and soft drinks for the adults. There was an Margarita machine, and other punch bowls of drinks for adults only.
For the food we had sweet and sour meatballs, hot wings, jumbo sized hot dogs (the really big hot dogs), deviled eggs, and much more.
I have an cake lady that makes really cool cakes, so she made me an tier cake with sea shells, Hawaiian people,trees, and everything in between. I had her write Happy Birthday in Hawaiian.
The invitations were sent out as an message in a bottle. The guest were asked to come dressed in there best Hawaiian attire. Lei were given out.
by Michelle
(Jamaica , Kingston, Havendale)
Pool, trampoline and bounce-a-bout fun activities like treasure hunts, pinata, pin the tail on the donkey and lots of food.

by Anonymous
We are having a silly party for my daughter whose turning 5. Everyone will dress as silly as they want. We will give away a prize for the silliest.
We have a table with play doh. A bubble machine going, a table with butcher paper for the kids to color. We will play pin the tail on the donkey, tug of war, and a balloon relay race.
We also asked for the families that attend not to buy wraping papter just wrap the gifts in paper bags, newspaper, or old xmas wrap. We also asked for the kids to make cards instead of having parents buy one.
This party is at a park. The expense to this party was we rented a spot at a state park. Instead of just going to a local city park which of course is free! I didnt want the stress of having to show up at 8:00 a.m. to grab a spot.
We are keeping the food simple with pizza, drinks, and cupcakes. The children's table will have candy down the center of the table for a center piece!