Throwing a Puppy Dog Theme Birthday Party for the Kids can be super fun and easy based on a puppy party theme.

It's a really cute and cuddly birthday party theme and both boys and girls love it.
If you don't have a dog but have other family pets then this puppy party theme can easily be adapted for cats, rabbits or other pet animals.
Just tweak the ideas a bit and soon you'll have the purrrfect party.
If you want to make your own puppy dog party invitations then here are some easy invitation ideas :
- Cut out pictures of pets from old magazines and glue to plain, blank cards. Draw speech bubbles and have the animals invite the kids to the party.
- Make the card in the shape of a kennel. Make flaps where the door is and write the puppy dog party instructions inside
- Buy some small dog bones or rubber bones and wrap the party invite around the shaft (long bit of the bone). Tie with a red ribbon.
- On the front of plain card draw animal foot prints that lead to the pet party instructions on the other side.
The wording on your puppy dog party invitations could go something like this:
It's Paw-tea time and you're invited!
If you are ready for a Dog-gone good time then you are in for a Treat.
Please Come, Sit and Stay at my house on (date)
(Other party details)
It might be a bit hard to ask all the kids to come dressed as a puppy, so instead ask the kids, to bring their favorite cuddly animal toy.
You could also get the kids coloring and decorating some plain dog or animal masks when they arrive. They could wear the masks when playing games or they could take them home later.

Here are some great ideas for puppy dog theme birthday party decorations.
- Make the party room look like all cute and fluffy or like a mini zoo.
- Place lots of stuffed animals around the party area.
- Have dad/uncle/grandpa dress up as a big bear and he can be the "Bear Bouncer" who greets the kids at the door.
- Put on background animal party music or animal songs.
- Cut out some large paw prints and have them lead up to your front door.
- Create a center piece of a pet pound using items such as a large cardboard box, football net, open shelves. Buy some small cuddly toy pets and put them in the pound. Give each pet a name and write these on individual pieces of paper along with details of date of birth, character, sex etc and place in a large dog bowl. At the end of the party each guest can pick out a piece of paper and they get to keep the cuddly pet that matches it.
- Make life a bit easier and use a pet theme party kit such as this or a Puppy dog theme birthday party kit
- Make a dog kennel out of a large cardboard box and put lots of comfy cushions inside. Let the kids decorate it with animal stickers or poster paints (if you are feeling brave!).
For your puppy dog theme birthday party, decorate a plain white paper table cloth with paw prints and write dog names all over it. And for fun, why not serve the food in plastic pet bowls (new ones!).
Create some bone or animal shaped name tags out of card and write the name of the party food dish on each one. So for example you could have :
- Animal Sandwiches. Use animal shaped cookie cutters to make bread shapes. Top with the kids favorite toppings
- Cats Whiskers. Homemade cheese straws
- Dog Biscuits. Make plain cookies and decorate with popular names of dogs such as Rover, Digger, Bounce.
- Pet Punch. Fruit punch
- Bunny Tails. Small white meringues
- Cow Pat Hamburgers ;-). Meat hamburgers
- Birds Nests. Nests made of melted chocolate and cornflakes.
- Dog Bone Cake. Prepare a basic chocolate cake using a packet cake mix. Make one oblong loaf cake and two small round cakes. Lay the round cakes at either end of the oblong cake and make a small cleft in each cupcake so as to resemble a bone. Cover with chocolate frosting and write your child's name along the bone shaft.
- Dish Delights - Give each child a plastic pet bowl and permanent marker pens. Have them decorate the bowls in fancy colors and designs.
- Animal Entertainer - Hire an animal entertainer for an hour or two or get a balloon twister to come and make animal balloons.
- Neck collars - Buy some plain leather neck thongs and get the kids to decorate these with beads and small tags.
- Dig a Bone, Bunny Hops, Pets Pairs, Animal Antics.....Click here for my big list of Puppy Dog Games.
Some of my favorite dog theme birthday party ideas are:
- Give out Rosettes as prizes. The kids love this.
- Rubber bouncy balls – great for all sorts of games
- Paw Print Balloons
- Pet bowl with the child's name drawn on with a permanent marker pen. These can be used for trinkets, snacks and bits and bobs.
- Trinkets, badges, notebooks or anything with a pet picture on it.
- Whistles