If you're panicking about your preschool party theme, well help is at hand.

I know that planning a kid's special birthday (and maybe this is your first) can be quite scary and stressful, especially if it is your first attempt, but just take a deep breath and then relax as I am going to guide you through this special birthday event.
The main thing to think about is that birthday parties for this age group need a bit of thought and planning. The reason being is that preschool kids need supervision and guidance to keep them safe. That means that you may well need to enlist the help of family and friends and if they are like mine, I am sure many will be glad to help.
However the preschool age is a really great age as they are beginning to understand the concept that this is for them.
Before you jump into picking a preschool party theme, have a quick read below of the top 10 tips that I have learned along the way when putting a preschool party theme together.
Also bear in mind that some of the themes have games geared to school age kids. You can still play them with preschoolers, but just adapt the rules a little such as not having winners and losers.

- Keep the birthday event small and simple and with familiar faces. By small, limit the number of guests to between 3 - 6. Some parents will come too so that will double the numbers.
- When planning numbers, make sure you have enough adults to cope with the number of kids. Other parents often love to be asked to help.
- Choose a time when the kids are least likely to be taking naps. Also tell parents the exact start and finish time. I think 2 hours is a good amount of time as any longer, and you and the kids will get tired.
- Make sure the invitation gives parents all the information that they need and tells them what you require of them. e.g. start and finish time, if parents are invited, contact phone numbers for guests and the host, the sort of food you might serve. Also ask parents to RSVP and to let you know of any special dietary requirements or other particular needs their child might have.
- Have a few fun games planned but don't expect to play them all (if any) and just go with the flow. Choose games that have none or very few rules. Also don't have winners or losers but just encourage the kids to play. If giving prizes for the games, make sure everyone is a winner.
- Have several fun but simple activities for the kids to do with their moms and dads e.g. coloring and painting, dressing up, dolls house, blowing bubbles. Let the kids come and go to these activities as they please and have lots of clean up wipes at the ready if necessary. Try and have one adult supervising each craft as otherwise it can all get rather messy.
- Keep the food simple and familiar. Finger food is easiest with preschoolers. Write each child's name on their cup and plate/bowl and try and keep the food to one room or area. I know that is easier than it sounds.
- If parents are staying then they will need to be fed also. However this event is for your child and not the parents, so there is no need to go overboard.
- Prepare everything that you need in advance. I tend to put stuff in labelled boxes so for instance all the game materials will be in one box, emergency spills materials in another and so on. This is very useful when you are calling on another adult to suddenly help and so everything is immediately at hand.
- Here are some tips on choosing preschool games and a few simple games to play with them.
- Don't force the kids to dress up for the event.
Looking for Kid's decoration ideas? Check out my decoration ideas to get the ball rolling.