This action packed Superhero birthday party will have the kids saving the world in no time!
There are so many action heroes out there; from Batman, Spiderman, Superman, The Incredibles and more, that you won't have any difficulty persuading the kids to come dressed up for this action packed birthday party theme.

Here are a few DIY superhero birthday invitations that are easy to make yourself.
- Cut out pages from superhero comics. Blank in the speech bubbles with liquid paper and then make several copies with a printer. Write your own Superhero action words along with the party information in the bubbles and send to your guests.
- Buy a load of cheap super hero stickers to adorn plain white invitations. Use words such as:
Calling all Super Friends
You are Requested on a Super Heroes Adventure
Where Your Mission is to Have a Zapping Fun Time
- Cut out a template of your child's favorite superhero. Stick a small photo of your child's head in place of the super hero's face. Make enough photocopies for the number of guests and write the Super Hero party details on the reverse.
- Make a template of a super hero cape. Make several copies on colored card. In the center of the cape draw the initial of the birthday child and color or paint in. Write the party instructions on the reverse of the cape. Place in a large envelope with a black batman mask sticker as the stamp.
Superhero dress up time!
Who is your favorite superhero of all time? Have the kids come dressed as their favorite superhero.
Have a few Super Hero Cloaks ready for those kids who don't have a superhero costume. These are easy to make from large squares of cheap cloth. Turn over a 2" seam on one edge. Sew and thread through some cord, or ribbon for the necktie. Don't want to sew? Just cut a few slits to run the cord or ribbon through and the kids will be good to go.
Alternatively have some Batman masks, or any type of mask ready to hand out.

- Super hero door decorations - Make an extra large super hero from some strong card stock and hang it on your door to welcome the superhero birthday party guests. Or go the whole hog and use a superhero standee;
- Stick posters of super heroes around the room and a superhero personalized banner.
- Write super hero words on large pieces of white card e.g. 'POW', 'ZOWIE', 'KABLAM' and stick around the room.
- Cover the party table with a white disposable cloth and glue on sheets from a super hero comics.
- Place small plastic action figures amongst the food.
- Play action hero music in the background.
- All Superheros need to be kept active and busy so head on over to these SUPERHERO GAMES which include:
Crazy String Attack
Avoid the Kryptonite
Hunt the Superheroes
Super VisionThe kids will love them.
- All super heroes get hungry in between rushing about and saving the world, so I've thought up some fun Super Hero party food ideas to keep their energy levels high....
- Muscle Burgers
Burgers filled with 'huge' hamburgers and salad (if you think that they will eat it!). - Carrot Sticks With Power Dip
Always good for the eyesight!.Cut carrots into sticks and make your child's favorite dip. - Spiderman Cookies
Make cookies using a spider shaped cookie cutter. Ice with sugar icing webs. - Popcorn Bullet Surprise
Prepare individual cups of popcorn for each child and place a small action figure toy at the bottom of each cup before filling with popcorn. NB Warn the kids to eat carefully! - Power Bars
Home-made or bought flapjacks or oat bars with dried fruit. - Superhero Power Juice
Make ice cubes using different colored fruit juices. Fill individual clear cups with lemonade and add a couple of colored ice cubes. Or make a fruit cocktail using a blender/juicer. - Super Shakes
All super heroes need strong bones. Make different flavored milks shakes topped with a scoop of ice cream. - Superhero Cake
Make a cake of your choice and then top with Superhero figures.
- Muscle Burgers
Favor ideas are numerous from superhero figurines, masks, stickers and anything action packed.
You can easily make little capes and attach them to suckers to put in the favor bags.