Posts Tagged ‘Game’
Spin The Bottle Game
SPIN THE BOTTLE GAME Everyone probably has their own version of the Spin The Bottle Game, but in case you don’t, here is how to play. The teen party games below were submitted by visitors so if you have a a different version of this game or in fact any other birthday party game, then…
Read MoreCircus Party Games for Kids
CIRCUS PARTY GAMES If the circus is coming to town then you are going to need some circus party games! These circus games work brilliantly with my CIRCUS PARTY THEME if you have’t already decided on a party theme. These circus game ideas work best outside as you do need quite a lot of space. Try and…
Read MorePinata Rules – How to play the Pinata game
PIÑATA RULES A piñata at any type of party is ALWAYS a hit! Learn these simple rules for a ‘whacking’ good time. You can get piñatas pretty much anywhere nowadays. Check out your local party store or even some bigger dollar stores have them. They have them for every occasion and every shape and size!…
Read MoreKids Halloween Games for their Next Halloween Kids Party
KID’S HALLOWEEN GAMES Kid’s Halloween games are fun to play. Kids like to get spooked and playing games is a great way of doing that. Halloween games are usually enjoyed by all ages as everyone is in a party spirit (excuse the pun). I’ve come up with a list of Halloween games that we’ve all…
Read MoreStory Writing Games for Teens
STORY WRITING GAMES Story writing games are great ice breakers and great too for a crowd of tweens and teens. The games below were submitted by visitors so if you have any great story writing games or in fact any other birthday party game, then why not SUBMIT IT. The best ones gets published on this…
Read MorePuppy Themed Party Games for Kids
PUPPY THEMED PARTY GAMES Puppy Themed Party games – If you’re having a puppy dog party theme, then you’ll probably want some puppy party games to go with it. Most of these games are geared around dogs and puppies but for those of you who are doing a pet party, then I’ve also sneaked in a…
Read MoreHalloween Games for Kids and Teens
HALLOWEEN GAMES FOR KIDS Halloween games for kids are always popular. Why? Because most kids like to be spooked! Halloween games are usually enjoyed by all ages as everyone is in a party spirit (excuse the pun). I’ve come up with a list of Halloween games for kids that we’ve all enjoyed playing in our…
Read MoreFairy Party Games for a Themed Birthday Party
FAIRY PARTY GAMES & ACTIVITIES Are you ready to sprinkle some fun with these fairy party games and activities? They go really well with my FAIRY PARTY THEME where you’ll find lots of ideas for fairy themed birthday parties. FAIRY PARTY GAMES Fairy Party Hide and Seek Print off or photocopy some pictures of fairies. Stick them…
Read MorePirate Party Games and Ideas
PIRATE PARTY GAMES AND IDEAS Every Pirate needs some pirate party games to keep them busy, whether it is walking the plank or panning for gold. If you haven’t already got a party theme planned then these pirate birthday party games go really well with my PIRATE PARTY THEME. PIRATE PARTY GAMES Escape The Cannon Ball…
Read MoreKid’s Cooking Party Games – My Top 10 Cooking Games
KID’S COOKING PARTY GAMES Welcome to my ‘shopping list’ of tantalizing kid’s cooking party games. If you are planning to pair these games up with a theme, then I’ve got a a bowl full of fun ideas for decorations, invitations, activities and more to go with my Kid’s Cooking Theme. BIG LIST OF KID’S COOKING PARTY GAMES…
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