These parties were shared to us by our readers!

A cheaper party with a lot more to offer!
Me and my 2 friends all have birthdays in May, so for our birthdays we had one huge party! It was Hawaiian themed.
It was a blast - we got a makeover, went to the cinema, shopped and then had a takeout and a sleepover! It was an amazing party and even though it may seem expensive when split between a few friends it worked out quite cheap in the end.
I hope this is useful!
by Sandra
(Oklahomna, USA)
At first I thought I was going to loose my mind, however I was proved wrong. It was easy go to a dollar store and buy tons of candy.
Next we played the actual board game (candy land) and whoever won got extra candy to take home!
After that we played a few of my teens favorite games. I had my girl pick out one friend and after everyone left she stayed behind and we took her and her friend out to eat and they stayed the night together.
Although parents are not thrilled at the idea of having candy as a theme for a party, the kids (well teens now) and I actually enjoyed ourselves.
Friendly Tip: If your teen wants to do something for his or her birthday that your not sure you would enjoy, at least think about it before rejecting the idea. You might end up being surprised!

by Katie
My best friends and I have started a new tradition. It is that for our four birthdays, the one whose b-day it is, gets to pick which house they want their party hosted at. The themes were as followed:
*Surprize Mario Theme
**Creepy, Halloween Theme
***The Beatles/Beatles Rock Band(mine)

These will be on the table next to the food!
And now it is my friends 14th, coming up in May. She skipped grade 3, so she,s turning 14 in grade 9.
We are hosting a CUPCAKE/FLOWER outside birthday theme at my place, and he have the cake, an actual huggge CUPCAKE! We will have flowers all over, and later that night, we'll be making cupcakes of our own, for us to take home.
You should try out this tradition with friends as well. It,s something our parents were more than happy to help out with, and the birthday girls even got a giant home made card and gifts.
TRY IT!! 😉
For my daughters 16th we invited her closest girl friends round to our house, the week before her actual birthday.
There were 8 in total, and they spent around an hour doing makeup, nails and choosing outfits before we took them to a pre-organised local photo-shoot.
For one hour a professional photographer took pictures of them as if they were models, and at the end we paid for them each to have a framed print of their favourite photo.
After the pictures they all went to a Chinese buffet, with yet more photos and the entire restaurant singing happy birthday when we brought out our daughters cake!
Most people then went home, leaving her 3 best friends who slept over for the night. They went in our hot tub, did a lot of dancing and watched romcoms mainly, before the morning when we cooked them a lovely breakfast.
Everyone had a lot of fun, and some brilliant memories of it with the photos they had taken!
by Georgia
Well my party is going to be pretty and elegant not posh just pretty.
Decoration - I'm having fairy light every were because I'm having a late party about 6.30pm-11.30pm, my favourite colour is purple so I'm putting dark and light purple streamers everywhere(you could use your favourite colour).
Food - I'm making little cup cakes with purple icing with little edible pearls on top.
I'm just plugging in my ipod for music and you could just ask your friends to bring there ipods to if they want to listen to a variety of music.
My invitation i made on the computer - they were purple with black cursive writing and cute purple butterflies and I'm having about 12 girls over.
Entertainment, girls are pretty big talkers so at this age all you pretty much have to do is make it cosy and put chairs out so they can all talk and make up there own games. There's always game like the "chocolate game" or Truth or dare.
If you can spend the extra cash make it a surprise and get a limo to take them out and get them to get dressed up and get noticed and let them feel special with their friends.
I hope this can help you with your planning.